“Shazam for Food” – Pinterest’s New Lens Feature

Struggling for ideas of what to eat? Take a picture of your ingredients and let Pinterest’s new feature come up with something for you!

It truly is a golden age we live in. I noticed an article shared by @TheFoodigans on Twitter about a new “Shazam for Food” feature. Of course, by this point, my interest had been piqued. This “Shazam for Food” is referencing Pinterest’s new “Lens” feature.

Lens has been previously used to identify different objects. You take a picture through the Pinterest app and it will try to identify this object and link to relevant information. One of the most popular searches/categories on Pinterest is “Food” With thousands of food bloggers sharing their recipes and showcasing their culinary works. So, of course, Lens had to be adapted to accommodate this huge group of people.

Say you have a plate of food in front of you. Simply snap a picture of it and Pinterest will again, try to identify this dish and also provide you with relevant recipes to reproduce it. Say you have no dish in front of you but a mish-mash of ingredients that you simply don’t know how to put together. Take a picture of it and you will be hit with creative ideas of how to combine these ingredients to make something awesome! In theory…

The app feature is still in its beta phase. Sometimes it gets confused. You may be hit with a message telling you that the app is still learning and it needs help to identify what is in the image. Once this recognition software starts to get the idea, I really believe this is going to take off. Pinterest is the one-stop shop for the most creative and brilliant ideas. This feature will allow people to discover new dishes and get creative with their cooking.

Have you tried the new Lens feature on Pinterest? What did you think of it? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

If you haven’t tried it. Why not come down to Barnsgate and give it a go? I’d be quite interested to see what it makes of our locally famous steak and kidney pie!


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Author: jpr1996

Graphic Designer for web and print purposes - but also a fully fledged eco-warrior. Looking to make a change to the world for the better

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