The Substitutes for Your Dietary Requirements You Might Not Know About

When you find out that you have a dietary requirement, you might well have made yourself a long, mental list of all the things you think you can and can’t eat… More often than not it’s a pretty miserable list but you might not have considered just how many substitutes have recently become available to replace those cravings of yours.

Coeliac Disease

Coeliac Disease is caused when your immune system reacts to gluten and leads to damage in the lining of your gut. According to, the only cure for Coeliac Disease is to remove gluten from your diet completely to allow the lining in your gut time to heal.

Gluten can be found in wheat, rye and barley… Which is not easy news to swallow! Suddenly you remember that gluten is in your sandwich, your cakes, beer and a whole host of other food and drink items that you used to enjoy.

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However! Light is just around the corner. There are a few products that substitute gluten products rather well. Four common flours can be used to replace wheat and gluten:

  • Rice flour.
  • Potato flour.
  • Cornstarch.
  • Tapioca starch.

Each have their different associated benefits but that quickly relieves the stress of “How am I going to bake my cakes now?”

With these substitutes known, supermarkets have quickly capitalised on the growing number of people who are following the gluten-free diet and you can find a number of your old favourites in the “free from” isle. Including gluten-free bread!

Even some beers have replaced the gluten in their brews with different cereals such as millet, rice, sorghum, buckwheat and corn. Check out the 10 best gluten-free beers as published by the Independent.

Dairy- Free

You may or may not have chosen to become dairy free. For some people, the proteins in dairy can cause bloating or eczema which would mean you have an allergy to dairy products. Others might choose to go dairy-free for a cause. Vegans choose to not eat dairy because of the cruel ways the vast majority of manufacturers of dairy products treat their animals.

So to be dairy free would mean to cut out cheese, milk, butter, ice-cream and chocolate surely…

Not necessarily…Substitute-Chocolate-feature-351x185

The first item that comes to mind when people mention a dairy free lifestyle is milk. Thankfully, you can also buy coconut, almond, soya and rice milk to replace your dairy milk. However, these options may not be to everyone’s tastes. Muufri is a company working on producing a synthetic milk from bio-engineered yeast that will taste exactly the same. You can find out more about their work from this article:

(and to all those who want to see an end to animals as food, there is also work underway for synthetic meats also! Who could argue with that! See this FAQ from

Of course, with these alternatives it is possible to re-create an array of dairy-free foods. Check out to find all your alternatives to dairy products.


Diabetes is a lifelong health condition that occurs when there isn’t enough insulin, or if the insulin in your body isn’t working properly to break down any glucose products you may have consumed (Type-2 diabetes). In some people, there is no insulin at all to help break down glucose (Type-1 diabetes). This can, in-turn, lead to very serious health problems due to the high blood-glucose levels. sweetener-main_A2RMR6

Glucose is a sugar that is found in many different food products including carbohydrates. You may know that sugar is a particularly (if not “most”) difficult product to remove from your diet. It’s also something that shouldn’t be removed from your diet. The key is to eat a healthy, balanced diet. This article from Diabetes UK will help you decipher what and how to eat properly

That said, sweeteners are playing a big role in helping to keep blood sugar levels in check and can be substituted in the place of sugar in many of your recipes. There have been health concerns about sweeteners in relation to the stimulating effect on appetite which can be tied to weight-gain and obesity. But they have been approved as safe by the NHS and as an added benefit; xylitol, sorbitol and sucralose have health claims that are beneficial to oral health as opposed to sugar. You can find more information on the NHS Standpoint on Sweeteners here

Barnsgate Manor and Dietary Requirements

With prior warning of your dietary requirements and concerns, we take every measure to make sure we can find an appropriate substitute for your meal. We have gDSC_01luten-free rolls and scones, dairy-free cream and even a gluten and dairy free chocolate cake that has been receiving rave reviews recently! Having a dietary requirement doesn’t mean you have to cut out your favourite foods from your diet. It just means with careful planning and the right substitutes, you can enjoy them in a different and healthier way.

What do you substitute into your diet? Have any recipes you would like to share? We would love to hear from you in the comments!


Health Benefits of Coffee

Spread the good news! It turns out coffee can be good for you as it carries a number of health benefits. Do excuse me while I go and grab myself a brew…

Hey, coffee lover. Did you know that drinking coffee on a daily basis bring many health benefits? And the good thing is, it’s backed up by science. So it’s not just any myth. Without further ado, here are some reasons why drinking coffee is good for the body.

1. It boosts energy levels.
2. It helps burn fat faster.
3. Caffeine helps improve physical performance.
4. Coffee contains nutrients good for the body.
5. It reduces the risk of Type 2 Diabetes.
6. Drinking coffee helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
7. It reduces the risk of Parkinson’s.
8. It helps protect the liver.
9. Drinking coffee makes us happier.
10. It lowers the risk of some types of cancer.

health benefits of coffee

Source: Health Benefits of Coffee

Why not join us at Barnsgate for a coffee? We are serving all day with a selection of cakes and scones. What’s more, you can enjoy it on our patio with the stunning views of the South Downs in this gorgeous weather. You can book your spot here

Banana Blossom Stir Fry – By Sumith

Sumith keeps cropping up in all my social feeds. His recipes are fantastically presented and look delicious! Here is his recipe for Banana Blossom Stir Fry


Have you ever tried cooking a banana flower or a banana blossom? Purple in colour, heart – shaped, it is commonly seen in Indian groceries where it is considered as a vegetable. It’s a very good source of fibre and many medicinal values. Do you prepare the banana flower? Is it used in your culture? […]

via Banana blossom Stir Fry. —